The Boys Scouts of America and Gay Leadership

The LDS Church has no business remaining in the GSA (Gay Scouts of America). I hope that the Big Scouter getting all of the $$$$ gets fired, like he ought to be. Good BYU bye and Mr. Gates.

Right on aro. Your last paragraph says it all. So long BSA, hello GSA (Gay Scouts of America). With the LGBT inclusion the BSA loses its morale support and the meaning of the Scout Law, the Scout Oath and its entire moral fiber. This is not inclusion, it is collusion, the last of plurality in what was once the BSA…

Gee Bruce, tell us how you really feel about this… :wink: :smiley:

Hey Russ: So what do you feel about the BSA, soon to be GSA? I spent virtually the majority of my adult life being a Scouter and spent my youth from age 8 through 17 in scouting. I loved it. But what we were taught and the Scout Oath and Scout Law had everything to do with being morally straight and faithful to a morality in line with Christianity and in line with the moral doctrines of the LDS Church. That is gone now. The Scout oath and laws for morality do not fit in with the present in crowd. It is all over for those who morally believe and try to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the one man, one woman parents for each scout.

Hey Bruce,

I was never a scout as a youth. I did do Cubs through the school for a year, but never got into scouts. I joined the Church after I got out of high school, and was asked many years later to serve as a Scoutmaster for a couple of years. I’ve liked the organization and what it teaches, but I agree with you that the morality aspect no longer works if they continue down the path they are now perusing. I have no problem if the Church decides to leave the organization, particularly after they chose to ignore the Church’s request for a vote delay.

BSA is a corrupt organization and some of have known this for years. It’s about time the brethren see this as evidenced by the way this was handled. I just hope the money they throw the church’s way doesn’t change some people’s minds in slc.

The BSA is and will continue to buy their way into favor of the LDS leadership, I hope our guys don’t fall for it again.

Russ: Good points about the BSA. I agree with you.

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KC: What do you mean that the BSA, “will buy their way into favor of the LDS leadership?”

Gotta say, kcblack is making a lot of sense here. Church should drop the BSA ASAP. As an organization, the BSA is fine. Let them do their thing… But to use the pulpit to solicit funds is a very heavy matter. As church members, we are taught to treat our leadership as if they were the Savior. If they ask, its as if the Savior is asking. That is a very powerful tool, one that should not be used increase the profits of ANY organization, but certainly not an organization with clearly opposing views on very key topics such as Gay Marriage. There are many good and worthy organizations that could use the extra resource that comes from willing members of the church. Why is the BSA the only outside organization which has official callings in the LDS church? Doesn’t make much sense to me… Keep up the fight… KC… We are with you!!

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Here are some poll results from Utahans about the BSA.

Poll: Majority of Utah Mormons Want LDS Church to Leave the Boy Scouts

The Church is moving ahead with BSA. An announcement was just made this morning.

As I predicted

Here is a quick question in regards to BSA and our church affiliation with them.

Temple recommend questions #7:

7 Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The official definition of “affiliate” is “a person or organization officially attached to a larger body”. So as things stand, we as members definitely fall under that definition with BSA.

I don’t believe the BSA officially “teaches” anything contrary to our principles, although acceptance as it currently stands is pretty darn close to teaching it. However, the BSA DOES now “practices” beliefs that are “contrary to or oppose those accepted” by the church.

Put this all together and what do you get - in reality, every bishop who is the lead in sponsoring a ward troop, every church scout leader and every youth participant is now on the wrong side of question #7. I know, I know. It’s going to be said that this is just a technicality and it really isn’t so because we choose our leaders and run the program separate from others BUT the fact is, no matter how you slice and dice it, the church has a problem here and until we either change our stand on the BSA or change our temple recommend questions, church members are going to be put in a very difficult spot answering “no” to this question when the church official position actually calls for a “yes”.

Interesting question about Question # 7 involving the Temple Recommend questions. But I believe that the Church leadership understands that we don’t live in a world of perfection and the Savior worked with the harlots and the sinners. The spirit so far is telling me to trust the Church leadership in the BSA issue and gay leaders. This is big surprise to me, because I was dead set against the BSA and gay leadership initially. But the spirit influenced me to follow what our GA’s have said about the Church and the BSA.But if the gay community pursues legal action on freedom of religion on the BSA issue then I know that it is time for the Church to get out of the BSA.

KC: What do you mean about the BSA buying their way into the favor of the LDS Church leadership? You still didn’t answer that question. By the way I quit giving to the BSA Friends of Scouting. I will follow the Church leadership on continuing to be associated with the BSA, but I personally will not support the BSA with my money. I can’t support an organization that I no longer believe in.

6 figure salaries for executive board members and key leadership for BSA, some
among our church leadership.

KC: Well maybe, at the very top. I am not a lover of the big guy at the top, but most professional scouters live on a nearly subsistence wage.If you have more specific examples of “high” salaries, please let us know what they are.

Okay, I am our ward’s declared assigned member of our town’s ministerial association. Am I breaking rule #7? I think there is a misunderstanding about #7. The BSA isn’t trying to change our Church doctrine nor are the opposed to it. Some of you are acting like the Saducees.

Good thought Scott… I talked to a member about this who happens to be very high in the State BSA program… Your thoughts are correct…

I do have to wonder sometimes if members of the church are no better than the Pharisees and Saducees of Christ time… “We have the complete Truth, all other churches are wrong and evil. If you do not live the way I think you should, then you are a sinner!!!”

Off my soapbox now… :sunny:

Actually that is a really good question. I know that the church tells members that they can agree with and support gay marriage and still carry a temple recommend. That seems like it is in direct conflict with that particular temple recommend question.

That is a hard one to rectify for sure.

How about the scout oath… On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally straight. Notice at the end it says “morally straight” are they going to change the words in the oath to “morally whatever”?