The Boys Scouts of America and Gay Leadership

Don’t roll your eyes but I have heard from a very credible source that the LDS Church is just weeks if not days away from leaving BSA. This comes from a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.

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In these days, all great moral and ethical institutions are coming to an end. Traditional marriage hit a real road block today as well. With yesterday and today’s SCOTUS rulings, the Constitution is gone too.

I agree with you post SG. The Supreme Court is in the pocket of the lefties. The Chief Justice, even though he dissented today, is under the power of the left. His decisions on Obama Care and what and how he does things is obviously under the heavy influence of the left. He is either bought and paid for or is threatened by the left.

I’ve always had a feeling that someone has threatened his family. And, with him using the same reason for both opposite outcomes it just strengthens this. Obama is the reincarnation of wicked king Noah.

The Duty to God is set up a lot like Scouting as far as service projects and such. The parents and and boys in our ward have no interest in scouting and the leaders, including myself are cool with that. We go camping and work on mission preparation but no square knots for us. I got my Eagle Scout plus a bronze and gold palm so I feel like I have done the scouting “thing” but didn’t really care for it or see a big benefit for it in my life other than it was fun to go camping.

I taught high school for 20 years. Kids would always wonder what they would ever do with algebra and whatever. The answer is throughout your life along with everything else you accumulate throught your life. We are a sum total of what we learned, experienced and the choices we made. Yes, what you learned in scouts added to your outcome.
Scouts teaches many things. Teamwork, discipline, practical camping skills and other things. I hope we join other scouting organizations that are faith based.

Hey Rick,

This doesn’t sound like leaving it, yet…

“As a chartering organization, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints has always had the right to select Scout leaders who adhere to
moral and religious principles that are consistent with our doctrines
and beliefs. Any resolution adopted by the Boy Scouts of America
regarding leadership in Scouting must continue to affirm that right.”


Just wait for the lawsuits.

My source is a credible source. Let me give my 2 cents worth. Seems to me that placing boys under the influence of homosexual leaders ought to be so offensive to The Brethren as to be no longer tolerable. This in spite of our freedom as LDS troops not being bound to allow homosexual leaders. I am convinced as well that BSA will be totally dominated by homosexuals throughout the corporate structure…

Didn’t say your source isn’t credible. Just mentioned that it appears not to be happening yet.

You may be right on what will happen with the future of BSA.

Russ, your thoughts are always worthwhile. No worries. I am still a bit skeptical until definitive word comes from the official source. Only time will tell. Tons of history between our Faith(church) and BSA. Too bad BSA has begun to allow females, gay boys, and now gay male leaders. Satan is putting on the “full court press” to destroy Christian faith and families as well.

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Looks like Rick’s source was very credible.

Looks like a few people in this thread will be eating some crow after all… This has been such a blatant corrupt organization that it’s about time we severe all ties with them.

The BSA was not corrupt until it caved to the homosexual activists. If it is corrupt it had nothing to do with the nonsense you posted earlier. The principles embodied in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Motto & Slogan are all good but it appears the organization is going to cave to the homosexual activists. In other words they are caving to morally corrupt people and that will ruin the organization. Hopefully the church will sever its ties and the BSA will lose one of its biggest sponsors. Maybe the BSA will get financial support from homosexual groups. If they do they will have to march to the drum of the homosexuals and then a once good organization will become a common camping club with no moral standards.

Like who? I haven’t seen anybody dispute Rick’s original assertion. When I posted the first official Church stance, it just said they were reviewing it. This new one appears to be saying, hey we are a bit miffed that the vote didn’t get reschedule like we asked. We maybe leaving after all.

The Canadian version has been seeing their membership decline drastically since they allowed anybody to join regardless of sexual orientation, sex, etc, etc.

Lots of folks who support ssm said the GLBT will stop now that their side won the SCOTUS case. Guess again folks. We knew all along this would never stop with ssm. They are already threatening lawsuits against scout units who refuse to allow gay leaders. No surprise whatsoever.

More stories being discussed…

Boy Scouts face uncertain future in Utah, nationally

Way to go LGBT power group. Your inclusion has ruined the BSA, My hope is that the LDS Church leaves you bigots behind by yourselves.

If the LDS Church leaves the BSA, and I hope it does, the homosexuals will have the BSA, or should we call it the Gay Scouts of America (GSA) all to themselves, because most conservative Protestant churches and most Catholic Churches will leave the GSA behind. Congratulations LGBT’s, the GSA will be all yours by yourself.
You will get what you want and what you deserve.