Man this board is dead!

Ron and I are two with deep thought. Mine are in parables and Ron’s are in a hot winded bag. :sunglasses:


WE ARE NOW ON THE SAME PAGE. I like the wat you think.



" Mine are in parables and Ron’s are in a hot winded bag"

Perhaps, instead of criticizing, you can offer some suggestions, (not parables) that will help our Cougars survive and
even excell. I would really like to hear your opinion


I like your post I am 61 not 62. Lol!!) I am 82 so you are still a youngster to me. Together, we remember great times that many on this board have not had the chance, due to age, to experience

I think that to us of the depression years, the war years, and the Millennium years, we have a much greater appreciation for what we once had and we are not as willing to give up as easily as the younger duds are willing to do.

keep fighting for us to strive for relevance and not give up and go into obscurity,