Is this reason for liberals to be against religion valid?

The story of Jesus and the Prostitute showed the way to handle those who have sinned and. Stop others from condemning the sinner until they are sinless. But, also to let the sinner know they have sinned and stop doing it. We are the link between the Lord and the sinner and are told to watch over the church and to see there is no iniquity in the Church. We are the voice to others when we see wickedness. Yesterday at the camp out, there was a single gentleman that started quizzing a young 11 year old about his single mother. It was totally inappropriate as well were some comments he made. No one said anything as it was coming from a less active trying to get active (or come to a place to find a wife). So, I simply said to him the conversation is inappropriate and he stopped and apologized.
We somehow think if we stand up for righteousness that we are going to offend people. In that case, it was offensive to the boy and to myself. I haven’t seen gays in church do anything to offend me. So, I’ve only welcomed them including a family member of my wife’s. If a couple did do something offensive to me, I’d say something to the fact and still tell them they are welcome and I don’t hold grudges. As Mike H is finding out.

KC: Pastors in the LDS Church are Bishops, Stake Presidents and Branch Presidents and their counselors. The evangelists are the LDS Church First Presidency, the Apostles, the Seventies, and the worldwide full time missionaries. It is a matter of terms put into perspective.


Mary Magdalene was to be stoned by a mob of angry men for what they claimed to be prostitution.

Perhaps trying to trick Jesus into saying something that was against the law by asking them not to stone her, he said instead, “Let he without sin, cast the first stone”. She wept and her tears fell upon the feet of Jesus and she bathed his feet with her tears and dried his feet with her hair. He said go, and sin no more. Some say that she became his life companion.

I don’t think that anyone is suggesting that we accept or not accept Gay and Lesbian as sinners, but instead, I think they are suggesting that we look for the good in people and not the bad and leave the judging to God.

Absolutely we should treat people good. If an Ox is heading for the mire, should we interview or let it fall into the pit and wait for the sabbath day to pull it out?
I don’t see the harm letting people know homosexual behavior is a sin any more than doing likewise concerning adultery.


I agree with much of what you say, however, there is also a different point of view. Perhaps not a better point of view or even a worse point of view, but a different point of view.

When we read many times, that we should love our neighbor as ourselves; we should honor our fathers and our bothers, that their days may be long upon this earth, we shall not bear false witness, we shall not steal, we shall forgive not 70 but 70 X 70, we should judge not, lest we be judged; We should leave the judging to God; we should help the poor; plus all the many references to tolerance, one might wonder, why we single out one command to follow at a much higher degree than all the others which we fall short in, on a daily basis.

I love the command that we should judge not and leave the judging to God. I have a hard time believing that God is pleased with us trying to take his job of judging away from him.

I prefer to look for the good in all mankind, within our own fold and all of our brothers and sisters that are not of our flock. I think this is far better than looking for the bad in people that are different than what we are.

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Have you ever done anything that would not be condoned by the Church if indeed the Church new about it.?
Have you followed all the teachings of the Bible? Can you honestly say that you are without sin?

Just saying-------

Well said Ronald, well said.


I have had a similar experience of which you speak. You are not alone.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own self righteousness that we disobey the commands that we be meek and humble and leave the judging to God, and that we judge not, lest we be judged.

We make judgments all the time in work and within our families. We tell our children bad behavior and choices are wrong. We teach them the Commandments and not not to break them lest being subject to Satan. Elder Hugh W. Pinnock told me in his Church office in a one on one meeting that it’s not to judge UNRIGHTEOUSLY.

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Is this reason for religion to be against liberals?

The main platform of the most liberal major party, the democrats, is to help those that can not help themselves, including, but not limited to, the mentally challenged, the orthopedically challenged, the blind or near blind, the deaf or near deaf, the emotionally challenged, the temporally unemployed, the working poor, single moms, more access to education regardless of financial status, and all the programs that serve as a safety net for those in need.

It fights for equal opportunity for all people regardless of religion, race, color, national origin, or sexual preference. It fights for women’s right to choose, to have equal pay for equal work, and, it fights for the constitutional rights of all people especially those rights for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Why should religion be against this platform?

LOL!!! They have you blinded to the actual facts. Yes, they are about income redistribution or socialism. The money is suppose to be given to the poor. But what has happened is there are now more poor and getting worse. They aren’t for anyone except themselves. If there was a poor black woman in need who is a republican conservative, democrats would beat her up and throw her into jail as a political prisoner. Get real with your pious attempt to put democrats above republicans, liberals above conservatives. You might as well argue Hitler is above Churchill. Or Stalin above the Prophet.

Grasshopper, to use your expression, ( LOL) !!!

I quote:

G: “ there are now more poor and getting worse".

R: There is only so much money in the country and the more the top 1% has, the less there is, for the
bottom 99 %.

    I am sure that with your thinking, there is nothing wrong with having an athlete,
    (Coby Bryant) making $29 million per year, and congress can’t pass a $9.00 per hour minimum wage 
     because one party won’t allow it.  

     400 families owns and controls 57% of all the wealth in America, 
     while including the top 1%, owns and controls 97 per cent of all the wealth in America, leaving only 3% 
     to be owned and controlled by the remaining 99’% of our population.  

      Of course there is more and more poor and of course it is getting worse.  That is by design.  

     Tens of  millions of dollars are being spent to buy the elections in each state.  The Koke brothers, (Multi 
      Billionaires), promote getting rid of Unions that  support worker’s rights, making everything automated 
     getting rid of human labor, and with their contributions to the candidates supporting their cause, they 
     have bought the lawmakers that continue to make the richest among us even richer and more powerful 
     at the expense of the poorest among us.  

    Soon, as you suggest, their will be the 1% super rich and the rest of us 99% that are poor and slave to
     the top 1%.  Even slaves have to be fed and housed.  Some of us are more easier brain washed into 
    their propaganda, true or not, than other’s of us.

G: " If there was a poor black woman in need who is a republican conservative, democrats would beat her
up and throw her into jail as a political prisoner".

R: I really thought that you were more politically aware than you seem to be in your reply. The democrats,
of which you speak, fight to keep the safety nets for all citizens, be they Republican, Democrats,
Libertarians, Independents, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Native American and all other, and regardless if
they are Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, or any other religion or of no religion, and regardless if they
are male or female or transvestites, straight, gay, or lesbian. They have far more of the blacks of which
you speak than any other party. Far more than anyone you know, that party of which you speak, does
more to protect your freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to choose, than anyone you
know personally. In Utah, no matter whom you vote for in a National election, be it Republican,
Democrat, Libertarian,or Independent, all Delegates from the electoral party cast their votes for
Republican. In Utah, your vote really doesn’t count unless you are a Republican.
(Matter of record. Look it up)

   As a side note:  The Catholic Church remains the richest Church in the world, but the Mormon Church is
    the richest Church in the world per capita.  

G: This is really funny. I quote you: "Get real with your pious attempt to put democrats above republicans,
liberals above conservatives. You might as well argue Hitler is above Churchill. Or Stalin above the

R: LOL !!! You are the only one that mentioned democrats or republicans. My only reference to
Liberals was, “ Is this reason for religion to be against liberals”? You are the only one that mentioned
Republicans and Democrats. It is ONLY you that interprets the Republicans as the bad guys and the
Democrats as the good guys. I made no reference. It was ONLY you that interprets the Liberals as the
good guys and the conservatives as the bad guy. I made no reference to the Liberals or the
conservatives except in that opening question, "Is this reason for religion to be against liberals”? It is
YOU that recognizes the difference between the two parties and the two positions of conservatives and
liberals. Yes, you are correct, but don’t blame me or give me credit for your correct insight.

R: There is only so much money in the country and the more the top 1% has, the less there is, for the bottom 99 %.

G: LOL! The Government prints money like it grows on trees every second of every day!!! Finite money. LOL!

R: (Coby Bryant) making $29 million per year, and congress can’t pass a $9.00 per hour minimum wage because one party won’t allow it.

G: Try Kobe with a “K.” Talk about racist :wink: How you connect these two issues is only in the mind of a socialist. Capitalists see this as whatever the market will bear. Why does government have to get involved? Let the people protest and picket. Go out on strike! Minimum wage jobs were never intended to be livable wages. In our day, teenagers, college students were the ones predominately held those jobs. But, as always, with socialism, livable wage jobs disappear. It’s been going on since FDR. Wilson, of course, is the founder of the Progressive Socialist/Communist movement.

R: 400 families owns and controls 57% of all the wealth in America, While including the top 1%, owns and controls 97 per cent of all the wealth in America, leaving only 3% to be owned and controlled by the remaining 99’% of our population.

G: Prove that. There is between 7 and 9 Trillion Dollars alone in 401k’s and IRA’s with baby boomers alone! Then, all the property they own on top of that! Then, there is everyone else, the Generation X and Millennials. How you think this is funny. Oh, you through in the “control” what ever that means. Nothing for this topic. 97%, hardly. If the 400 each averaged 1 billion dollars of wealth each, that’s only 400 billion dollars out of tens if not hundreds of trillions of wealth property, stocks, cash, gold…

R: Of course there is more and more poor and of course it is getting worse. That is by design. Tens of millions of dollars are being spent to buy the elections in each state. The Koke brothers, (Multi Billionaires), promote getting rid of Unions that support worker’s rights, making everything automated getting rid of human labor, and with their contributions to the candidates supporting their cause, they have bought the lawmakers that continue to make the richest among us even richer and more powerful at the expense of the poorest among us.

G: LOL again!!! The Koke brother! How about all the socialist liberals and democrats billionaires like Gates and most of the billionaires. The unions themselves destroyed their own power though greed and power! And, note how they aligned themselves with the Democrats back when they Democrats were the leaders of racism. Nothing has changed. The unions and Democrats are still communist driven racists. To them, the society is more important than the individual. HIllary just said it and so did Hitler. Unfortunately, The Republicans in Congress and the ones in power simply take the socialist agenda and try to make it better, but still socialist. Instead of trying just get rid of it and replace it with a capitalist plan that helps people to drive to be better instead of relying on the governments.

R: Soon, as you suggest, their will be the 1% super rich and the rest of us 99% that are poor and slave to the top 1%. Even slaves have to be fed and housed. Some of us are more easier brain washed into their propaganda, true or not, than other’s of us.

G: It is those who through their hard work developed businesses that establish jobs for people. Obama and his commie cronies have been destroying that over the past 6+ years now. Not only has the household income fallen, many have been forced to seek out multiple part-time jobs and they still fall far short of their past full-time incomes. 93 million dropped out of the labor force because of Obama and the socialist progressive agendas of both Obama and the presidents before him except for Reagan. The only design is being created and controlled by the left progressives who fall into the socialist/communist agendas.


What ever the market will bare, at the expense of those that can not compete in the market, is a bit brutal in my opinion.

We will have to agree to respectfully disagree as there is far to much differences in our value system.


Funny how inflation raises up when the market place can’t function independently from the Government and Government backed unions. When will the poor and middle class liberals ever figure out that inflating wages and building giant socialist programs hurts them because costs rise substantially. The rich liberals never complain because they can afford it. Not the poor nor the middle class. Stalin was wrong. Hitler was wrong. Marx was wrong. You are wrong.


You’re kiddy, right? (LOL)

  1. Is having dinner with the tax collectors, (the most despised in the land), more conservative or more liberal.

  2. Is walking among the lepers in an isolated area where only the lepers can be, more conservative or more liberal.

  3. Is saving the life of the prostitute, who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried his feet with her hair, more conservative or more liberal?

  4. Is the parable of the good Samaritan more conservative or more Liberal?

  5. Is the turning of impure water into wine instead of turning impure water into pure water more conservative or more Liberal?

  6. Is the wearing of long hair and a beard, more conservative or more Liberal?

  7. Is saying that “Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth” more conservative or more Liberal?

  8. Is the life and is the teachings of Christ more Conservative or more Liberal?

Can you give me one scripture from the Bible that is M O R E conservative than Liberal?

The problem is conservatives do all those things and get attacked by the liberals for doing those things in a different way. Liberals today believe that government is the savior and individuals have no choice to choose for themselves. Christ did not teach this. Liberals today are killing the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Both conservatives and liberals in the Quorum of the 12 apostles follow Christ without killing individual liberty. Liberals in the world today don’t. Conservatives DO!

“ Both conservatives and liberals in the Quorum of the 12 apostles follow Christ ”

I am very curious about your statement above. Which general authorities are you referring to as liberals?

Those still Democrats of course :wink:
Monson and Iyring come to mind :slight_smile:

Do these Democrat Liberal General Authorities, not receive revelation due to their politic views ?