Grading for Tech game

You should read what Bruce R. McConkie had to say about those who use this type of language to get their points across. This is just a curtesy call.

Pope knows we can’t sustain hucking up 3s. Some nights they go in, can’t miss…others, the ball won’t go through the hoop.
i watched NC State come from an impossible come from behind win, when Virginia was KILLING THEM WITH 3s, by using BULLY Ball behind that 300 lb West (I think). he either scored or was fouled. Ironically NC St got the game into overtime with a hail mary 30[ back from the Stanford Transfer.

BYU would be a 3 seed today if we had not lost to Cinn at home and Ok ST, think about that. We could not stop their bully ball.
Hall and Foos showed what bully ball looks like vs. Kansas, they had no answer for us. Imagine now a fit Adams or Davis with Hall or Chandler followed by kick outs to wide open guys like Waterman, Saunders, Daker Knell

By the way, BYU just offered SL community PF Xavier Edmonds
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And “You” should read what President Nelson said about “be combative, argumentative, etc.” with those that do not see things as you do.

“Anger never persuades. Hostility builds no one. Contention never leads to inspired solutions. Regrettably, we sometimes see contentious behavior even within our own ranks.”

Peacemakers Needed (

If using profanity is my only sin, then I am doing dam well in the other departments.

McConkie questions the level of testimony of one who used profanity. I agree. It shows anger. Three fingers pointing back at you :grin:

Ironically we were just talking about this yesterday… or was it the day before?

I don’t remember for sure.

Kyle smith offered him coming out of high school…which is a strong reccommendation in my book.

profanity is my adjective. I say them with a smile

Whoever came up with this notion of swearing is a weakness never did run a dairy, a farm or a ranch

but I don’t do it in front of little children with exception to hopper

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may I add “construction” and home projects? :open_mouth:

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Really? I like what McConkie had to say about it. Seems a little more authoritative that some old washed up basketball coach :grin:

To help you elevate your understanding of why people use profanity. Your “one way only” thought process does not work in this instance.

Profanity is to demonstrate disrespect or negativity, to relieve pain, to express a strong emotion, as a grammatical intensifier or emphasis, or to express informality or conversational intimacy.

Anger is only one emotion that can create profanity.

My question is “Who says having anger is a bad thing?” how you use or apply that anger is what is considered bad, the emotion itself can be used as a healthy thing at times.

The question isn’t about anger.
Col.3:8,”“But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth”

Who has been dead for 40 years and has no clue what Iife is like.

BTW, McConkie was talking about “Uncontrolled” anger.

Let me give you an example:
IF say a radical group in California came to the LA Temple and burned it down to the ground.
Would you be “Angry”? Of course you would, because the Temple has a special meaning for you.

The bad part of anger is when we “act upon it”. Feeling angry is normal process of life, how we deal with it is the problem.

I agree with you for the most part Floyd

If BYU magazine printed an article entitled “California man threatens President Hunter” that talked about the guy that pulled a knife at the devotional and you find out that the guy spent less than a year of his life in Bakersfield 5 years before and that the rest of his lifetime he lived in Utah and Idaho…

should we be angry that the article was biased and misleading?

I was and I sent a letter to the editor that was printed in a subsequent issue. It’s nonsense what some people come up with sometimes. Using profanity isn’t the end of the world but it shows personal restraint when you feel like it and don’t. I find that as I’m aging it gets harder and harder not to use profanity sometimes. My wife’s dad was in the marines before he joined the church after he was married. He never swore after joining the church but when he got older and started to show signs of Alzheimers and age related issues, he would swear on occasion. I don’t think he is accountable for it but I think it is good for all of us to try and keep it in check.

Also, some weirdo was out in front of our church building today with a go-pro taking videos and pictures of people and their cars as we drove by leaving the parking lot. It upset some people in our ward but not me. I thought about giving him the one finger salute as I drove by but I restrained myself.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you left out military service, though I suspect that what all of the options have in common is male-dominated environments…not for women and children.

still laughing at this convo…

and how Hopper drags McConkie into a discussion. So to be clear, the 2 resources Hopper has used have been Chat AI to argue on behalf of Lebron James/KJ and McConkie.

AI is 100% made up as are all of Hopper’s arguments.

McConkie’s many accomplishments are completely buried by his writing of entire books about Blacks being fence sitters in the war in Heaven, how they had the mark of Cain, and how the Catholic Chruch is the great an abominable church in the Bof M. McConkie would be the LAST person I would use as a reference.

Is this petty? Sure is but oh so fun, carry on Hopper. You do make us laugh

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I never believe what the media says about anything. Left- or Right-wing media outlets always twists the facts. They, like most people, slant their stories to fit the narrative they want to say is “real”.

For instance, they report about public education in Utah, As I watch the news story, I notice just one sided the story is, or worse, how they twisted some facts that does not match reality.

A lot of viewers bought the story, the problem with me, is that I actually knew the whole story and found several holes in the reporter hit piece. like you, I did tell the reporter through email that he was full of crap and presented him with actual data to back up my position.

All three of those things McConkie was told by then President McKay to remove from his book. For the simple reason that they were McConkie’s views, not that of the Church.

It also the reason why President Hinckley banned using Mormon Doctrine in Sunday School classes.

Where did McConkie get that information from? Wasn’t it his Father-in-law, the prophet? Just asking. See, prophets and apostles have opinions too. The book wasn’t written to be authoritative for the Church. However, each point he made was well documented by scripture. That didn’t mean all opinions or thoughts about this and that were correct. But, I laugh at Fish telling us to take his words over the apostles and prophets. As if everything out of their mouths is false.

Just as a add on to why swearing brings into question the level of one’s testimony and the idea that bad language is acceptable in certain business and employment environments here is what happened to a business that a new convert in our Ward decades ago.
Richard was a husband of one of the sisters in our ward. He would come to ward potlucks and other activities we had in support of his wife. He listened intently to anything mentioned by members over the years about doctrines and so on. But, his wife somehow got the impression to not let members ask direct questions or get into Church related talk for fear of him getting mad or something. After years of this, one member finally asked him, “Why haven’t you been baptized into the Lord’s Church?” His answer was, “No one ever asked me?” He then formally took the missionary lessons and was baptized and was active up until he passed away a few years ago.
This sets the seen of how he ran his business that was in one of those areas you consider okay to cuss and swear using the Lord’s name in vain as well. Laying pipe in fields and other places with rough men was his business. After his baptism, he laid down the rule about using inappropriate language while at work. He said the workers stopped cussing, swearing and taking the Lord’s name in vain. He said the amount of arguments and fighting dropped to nothing. The work got done faster and better. And, if he heard bad language used, he would let them know it isn’t just allowed but also why. Richard’s testimony was as strong as anyone’s.

There’s a book called “What do you say when you talk to yourself?” You should read it. Also, the thought of what goes in or what you let in you also let out. Garbage in, garbage out. Because other’s cuss, swear or use the Lord’s name in vain doesn’t make it okay for you to do the same. We all get a bit excited about things sometimes and it slips out. That’s a good time to repent so it doesn’t become normal and thought of as approved because you work in a particular job when it’s thought to be a good thing to do.

I remember when the first year out of BYU I was substitute teaching at a high school. I was talking to a young man who was a junior and we were discussing politics. I let out a cuss word and then I immediately apologized. He said why apologize because it’s what everyone including other teachers do. I said because it is wrong and causes altercations. It shows the lack of education expressing myself with poor one syllable words to get my point across. The expression on his face I remember today 43 years ago. I remember also him coming up to me later on and expressing gratefulness for asking for an apology.

I know you’ll spin these whatever way you want but I’m positive this world would be a lot better off if we would speak to each other without fighting words. I find it interesting that so many think giving an opinion and questioning someone else’s challenges their own person and can’t handle others not agreeing with them the way I see in here. It’s like there’s a rule that if you don’t agree you can only disagree 10% of the time.

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The Prophet is the only individual who could put forth official doctrine of the Church (D&C 28:1) which makes Bruce R. McConkie’s (who was in the Quroum of the 70 at the time) book in violation of D&C 28:1-3.

Nor did He submit the manuscript to the Church’s Reading Council before publishing it.

second, Joseph Fielding Smith use to have Hugh disagreements with other apostles in his earlier years. Especially with B.H. Roberts. Even President Smith “non doctrinal” books should be viewed as opinion.

but yet, here you are using it as if it was “authoritative.”

Brigham Young had a famous quote "I am afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security. … Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates.”

To prove more on this point:

  1. The prophet, David O. McKay, objected to the fact that the book implied it was the official representation of official Church Doctrine.

  2. David O. McKay insisted that the book not be recognized as an authoritative source of Mormon Doctrine and that Bruce R. McConkie take full responsibility for his book.

  3. Despite the fact that David O. McKay declared the book is not republished, Bruce R. McConkie published it anyway six years later when the Prophet was in poor health.

I believe this is what Fish was pointing out.