Can you vote for Trump?

What has he done to show leadership style other than his business? Certainly not politics. So, why would he call him a fascist?

Trump would ban all shredded cheese from coming into the country to make America grate again.

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LOL! I think you may be on to something Russ. Trumps leadership style and statements can certainly be degrating and this is confusing. If he is degrating women, does he expect the men to grate? How are we, as a country, going to get this cheese to the point where we can use it for its’ intended purposes? and if Trump is in charge and wants to force America to be grate again, isn’t that a form of fascism?

This is really confusing.

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Does he want to force America to be grate?:alien:
I haven’t heard that. All candidates want to make America great according to their beliefs. It’s just up to us to figure out what way to go and then vote for the one who will get us there. Hope that helps you :smile:

All of the reasons you gave are very true but they are symptoms. The question is why do they come? They come because Mexico is a third world country. They have no hope and no future. Their lives are so chained that they they can’t see the stars and have no dreams to fulfill. That is what happens when you live in a country that doesn’t know how to help its people become and reach their potential. Their leaders need mindless poverty stricken people so they can “help them with their needs”. Kind of sounds like what Obama is doing to this country. The one and only solution is to help Mexico become an industrialized nation. Until that happens, nothing will change. Everything you said in your evaluation will be the constant norm. You know what is so ironic, about this whole situation, is Trump, who the Mexicans seem to hate, is one of a couple of people who could help Mexico to become an industrialized nation. Its almost funny. The Mexicans don’t get it. The thing that is so important to remember is, if Trump gets the nomination, who he surrounds himself with will determine the success of his presidency. Both he and Cruz seem to have some people in their personal campain groups that have questionable character.

got that right…Simplify…it is either Hillbilly or it is Trump. I have heard people say that they will not vote for Trump because of this or that. To that I say, 'So you are voting for Hillary?".

you would have to be an idiot at this point not to get behind Trump.

Jeffyds: You are right on about Hillary. She is a snake, a liar, has blood on her hands, not only about Bengazi and about Lybia as a whole and all of her left wing insider politics.I believe that years ago that Hillary and Bill made a pact to live their own lives and rise together, no matter what the cost. Any woman who would put up with Bill Clinton has a lot of loose screws or has an awful lot of ambition. Both Hillary and Bill are all about themselves.

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Don’t let conscience keep you away from voting because you will put a millstone on all our necks because of what Hillary will bring with her appointments of judges to the Supreme Court, all liberal and making new law rather than interpreting the laws. Do you want your liberty taken away?

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Black is a good hearted liberal. He understands the road paved with good intentions leads to hell. I wish more Mormons understood this too.

I’ll be honest, Bill’s wife really scares me. Trump is not the answer. He is bad for America. It is really a matter of who is worse. I will not under any circumstance vote for Bill’s wife. The fear that I have is that if she wins, there will be no protection for our gun rights. It may come down to a vote against Hillary rather than a vote for someone. From my perspective, this is the worst presidential election choice possible. We have a Democrat who is the face of evil and a Republican who is the back side of evil. This is a sad time for America. I will vote, but I might have to vote for the Libertarian candidate. Sad day.

How about some specifics. What makes Trump so evil? Romney is helping Hillary get elected. I’d call him more evil.

been there, done that, got the t-shirt

Been where? Done what? What t-shirt? Make some sense Ina post some time :slight_smile:

I have already discussed at length my reasons that I disagree with Trump. I’m not doing it again, especially for your benefit.
Romney to my knowledge has not endorsed Bill’s wife. He has simply pointed out the flaws in his own party’s candidate. They are many. I’m not sure why that is a bad thing.

Not voting and endorsing the people’s candidate for your party is endorsing Bill’s wife. Especially as one of the party’s leaders.
Look, Trump wasn’t my first pick either. He wasn’t my second, third or even 16th when it all started. But, he is the person to take on Hillary. In fact, he may be the only one cunning enough to be able to. And, it’s obvious now he isn’t going to lead with evil.

I take great care when agreeing with the grasshopper and I must admit that I agree with him here.

I hear so many people say things like “I can’t vote for the lesser of two evils” so they end up voting for some third party candidate and effectively help to elect the greater of two evils.

If a person refuses to vote for Trump, then they might as well vote for Clinton because that is what they will get.


Why Vote Trump?
Obama is against Trump
The Media is Against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
George Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
Moveon.Org is against Trump
Koch Brothers are against Trump
Hateful, racists, violent Liberals are against Trump
Bonus Points
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump is President
Cher says she will leave the country if Trump is President
Whoopi says she will leave the country if Trump is President
Rosie says she will leave the country if Trump is President
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country if Trump is President
California Governor Jerry Brown says California will build a wall (hopefully on the Southern Boarder)

Scott: Something tells me that Satan is against Trump :slight_smile:

Those are a lot of good reasons to vote for Trump.

The more times I see some idiot saying they will leave the country if Trump is president, the more assured I am of voting for him.

Going up against Killary I think he wins in a landslide. People are fed up and Killary will have to defend her extremely bad record while in public office and as Secretary of State. It’s also evident that Demorats are staying away from voting because they don’t like her either. Turnout will be a big issue. Not only for President. Turnout will be important for the Senate and the House.

I just read two books about the Clintons and they are scary. “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton,” and “Clinton Cash.” Both are well-written with fantastic research about the Clinton’s corruption, abuse of power, murder cover-ups, and greed. Anybody with half a brain will do their homework and do anything they can to avoid having another Clinton in the Oval Office.

I agree with Grasshopper and Hawks. Trump is not a good candidate, but any Republican who doesn’t vote for him is voting for Hillary. I had been hoping that Mark Cuban (who is Republican) would jump into the Presidential race but he recently said he would not. That guy would be an awesome candidate.