BYU vs Duquesne in Omaha, NE

This team is not Big 12 athletes. But they are Sr. lead and guys that have played together for years. Those teams have upset written all over them.

If BYU hits shots to start this game will not be close, We have way more scoring then DU. But if the shots are not falling, We cannot afford to leave Knell in because they will just pic until they get that matchup so Pope has got to make sure that our best defenders are NOT sitting on the bench while DU gets a lead. Saunders needs big minutes.

DU’s inside game is not even close to Big 12 standards. both Khalifa and Foos would have a good night…Khalifa’s ankle is OK from what I hear

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Is this a suggestion of bias against BYU? I’m sure it isn’t a referee or official because they are never biased. So is there bias or not? I’m confused on where you stand regarding this subject of bias.

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Floyd seems to think it is.

We are scrutinized as a church body for believing differently. Lots of people don’t think we are Christian because we believe God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are two separate beings. Imagine that, a father and a son not being the same person.

And now we are scrutinized because we believe the Sabbath is a holy day and that the 10 commandments are still valid… “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy”. Trying to maintain and hold on to truth and the original Christian beliefs is not easy.

I never said people, including officials didn’t have bias against BYU.
just not to level you think it(usually every game).

you meant “every loss” (tweaking JCoug :grin:

Jim and I usually text during almost every game. And, it’s every game :smile:

I’ve done my share of yelling at refs
my wife goes upstairs and shuts the door :partying_face:

I usually end up paying for my yelling at the TV.

My wife goes shopping. :joy:

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Plenty of people don’t believe in our particular definition of keeping the Sabbath day…Lots of different ways that different religious bodies define it…and not all of them include not playing sporting games as part of their particular understanding.

I’m watching practice on BYUSN this morning. I do not see Atiki. Is he with the team?

Are you asking about Atiki or did you mean Khalifa? Khalifa hurt his ankle and would be the one I would be concerned about the most.

Atiki. I did not see him practicing when they showed the practice on BYUSN.

I laughed out loud when I read this quote from Harmon: “the Cougars have been vulnerable to guards like Duquesne’s Dae Dae Grant and Jimmy Clark III because Trevin Knell and Jaxson Robinson struggle to defend great penetrators.” That’s a nice, BYU homer way to say Knell can’t guard anyone, any time, and Jaxson plays inconsistent D because sometimes the fire is just not there.

We limit their guards, we win. They have NO ONE who can stop Fouss in the paint. We want LOT of the two man game with Hall and Fouss and PUH-LEEZE Fouss PASS THE BALL OUT the second a guard starts to dive down to double you.

Simple: play D on their guards, and let Fouss feast inside, draw a double, and take OPEN threes.

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Knell doesn’t play the 1 or the 2 guard. So, what are you talking about? It’s like TDS only we’ll call it KDS (Knell Derangement Syndrome) :rofl:
So, I did not see Atiki on the floor during practice this morning when they were taking live shots on BYUSN. You seem to know it all. Khalifa looked fine as he was practicing his up and under shots.

So is Johnson (of the starting 5) playing the 2? Does he defend the other teams 2 or 3 or does Knell?

Johnson is the shooting guard and plays on the other teams #1 guard usually. Knell is there to shoot 3s.

Haha… not to the level I think it is. How do you know what I think? Do you read my mind? I’m not texting Hopper during games anymore, he’s mistaken about what I think and say as well. You don’t see me going back and forth like the two of you do.

Well, the games lately have been mornings games so you aren’t able to with your job. I’ll keep you updated on the situations during the game. :smile:

That is the million dollar question. Will BYU start strong and will we defend their 2 guards

Naw…I think we won’t defend anyone. Just let them do layup drills. Of course we will defend them. And, why would Knell defend a 1 or 2 guard? That’s for Hall and Johnson. You have KDS too?